Because it’s not the big goals and successes in life that bring true happiness, but the little joys that you choose to notice each day.
After a hard day’s writing…

Have you watched Bo Burnham: Inside yet? It’s like nothing else and I love it. I took this photo to show husband that I was watching the outtakes for the fifth time!

Celebratory steak sandwich lunch.

A delicious beer!

Woodland walk.

Poppy bud ready to pop!

Fancy geranium getting cosy with a golden-leaved tiarella. And that purple lysimachia behind – I love it!

Oh, hello!

Had a close encounter with a jay on a roadside verge. Of course it scarpered as soon as I got my camera out!

Weigelas everywhere seem to be having a great year.

Splendid bedfellows.

Comfrey, buzzing with bees.

Vocation Brewery tap takeover at the pub. Very nice!

Small plates to keep us going…

A blast from the past! We went to see Ash play at a tiny pub venue.

We went to a family wedding and had a great day, with lots of amazing food! Poshest scotch egg ever…

And isn’t this beautiful?


Baby conkers! I’ve never noticed them at this stage before.

A curious visitor at the back window.

Plums a-coming.

I finally planted my aubergines, peppers and tomatoes. The white labels are to try to discourage cats…

It’s allium time!

Wonderful aquilegia.

And cirsium!

Tasty low-carb lunch.

Gateway to the park.

Cotinus in flower.

We planted this squash bed at the community garden!