Because it’s not the big goals and successes in life that bring true happiness, but the little joys that you choose to notice each day.
Bought some gemstone beads and did some crafting!

I wanted to recreate this worn-out bracelet (left) in nicer materials. I chose bronzite and silver hematite, and made some alternative versions too with bloodstone and brass.

Made lasagne – one of my faves! – for the first time in ages.

Audited my seed drawer, preparing to stock up on veggie seeds again for the season ahead.

My first hellebore is open! What a beauty.

And plenty more on their way…

Decs down! The tidy, spacious feeling of taking them down is as good as the cosy, festive feeling of putting them up!

Claytonia (aka winter purslane or miners lettuce) makes a brilliant edible groundcover for the veg beds over winter and provides heaps of greens for winter/spring salads and sandwiches. I don’t even have to sow it – it self-sows with abandon and will pop up again next autumn.

It’s lovely to see my skimmia in flower after a tough year. I moved it just before the heatwave, and it struggled a bit to settle in.

Cyclamen hederifolium are so wonderful in the winter garden! They may not flower long, but their tough and beautiful leaves stand up to snow and ice and look great for ages.

Amelanchier buds getting ready for spring…

It’s rare to see chaffinches in the garden, but I saw three together. We’re also seeing lots of blackcaps at the moment, and even a nuthatch!

I love it when the morning sunshine catches this glass-framed mirror.

This trinket shelf was a Christmas present and I’m so excited to put it up and start filling it with treasures from nature! Maybe today!

Having a good bullet journal catch-up. I’ve got really behind since Christmas. It’s a surefire sign I’m struggling… but I think this time it’s just the lingering flu symptoms I’m struggling with.