garden tips

OCTOBER IN MY GARDEN: Everything I’m Sowing, Growing and Harvesting Right Now

Aren’t we blessed with the weather this autumn? So far we’ve seen endless sunny days, with good brief or overnight showers. Weed growth is rampant! But the October garden is changing colour rapidly now, leaves are falling, flowers are closing, and the shortening days mean that growth must come to an end soon. The autumn

OCTOBER IN MY GARDEN: Everything I’m Sowing, Growing and Harvesting Right Now Read More »

SEPTEMBER IN MY GARDEN: Everything I’m Sowing, Growing and Harvesting Right Now

September always feels like a strange transitional time – not quite still summer and not quite autumn. We think of it as a time of change, but when we look closer we see that things have already been changing under our noses for a while now. Of course things are always changing! The September garden

SEPTEMBER IN MY GARDEN: Everything I’m Sowing, Growing and Harvesting Right Now Read More »