LITTLE JOYS: 16th January 2023

This ‘Blue Monday’ I’m wondering why society would choose to label a particular day as being a negative experience. Wouldn’t it be much better if we called it ‘Kindness Monday’ or ‘Gratitude Monday’ or ‘Making Plans Monday’? Always remember, you get to control how you experience life, and you can choose joy every day by choosing your thoughts, choosing to be present, and choosing to practice gratitude and appreciation. Here are some of the little joys that have brightened my week:

This beautiful morning sky.

Hot chocolate. I may have enjoyed this a little TOO much this week…

Little Joys: hot chocolate in winter

Curry feast on a cold night! (Samosas and bhajis courtesy of M&S.)

The first primroses open in my garden!

Little Joys: signs of spring!

Babington’s leeks. I grow quite a few perennial onions/leeks in the garden but I must get better at using them in the kitchen!

Little joys: perennial veg in the garden - Babington's leeks

Pretty candlesnuff fungus in the raised bed.

Little joys: amazing nature - candlesnuff fungus

This DELICIOUS beer by Double-Barrelled – a Christmas gift!

Little Joys: Double-Barrelled Theatricality and Deception beer

Toadstools in the carrot bed. Still plenty more carrots to harvest!

More comfort food: cabbage pie, with onion, bacon, cabbage and potatoes wrapped in a cheese sauce and topped with breadcrumbs.

Little Joys: comfort food

Going out for a drink as a couple is way better than staying in for a drink: you focus on each other more without all the distractions of being at home.

This ‘escape room in an envelope‘ we got for Christmas. On Saturday night we spent the evening puzzling it out! One of the great things about January is enjoying Christmas gifts!

Pretty pyracantha.

Little Joys: winter garden de;ights - pyracantha berries

Viburnum tinus in flawless flower.

We went to a vintage market.

These pots got me dreaming about my perfect potting shed…

Unusual Chinese revolution clock!

Tempted by butterflies…

I could stare at these kinds of oddities for hours, taking them in and trying to make sense of them… The stallholders start looking at me funny after a few minutes though.

I wish there was more room in my life for pretty baskets.

Pizza lunch before heading home.

The root of suffering is attachment.

Choose joy: The only reason you are not experiencing bliss right now is because you are focused on what you don't have.


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