LITTLE JOYS: 26th September 2022

Because it’s not the big goals and successes in life that bring true happiness, but the little joys that you choose to notice each day.

Autumn’s first blush is in the fruit; first cherries and plums and rosehips and reddening apples; now the crimson berries of holly and hawthorn and pyracantha and this: cotoneaster.

Little Joys: autumn brings red berries in the garden

Morning. One of the great things about shorter days is seeing the sun rise.

Little Joys: autumn means seeing the sun rise

Treated myself to this rhodonite bracelet set from Etsy and I absolutely love it!

Accidentally disturbed this little wood mouse while tidying the shed.

This orchid is flowering for the third time now – YIPPEEEE!

Repotted the Victoria plum and fig trees. The plum has given us fantastic fruit this year. The fig not so much, but hopefully it will like its new home.

Little Joys: autumn is the time to prune plum trees

Watering the garden. SO relieved that there’s rainwater in the butts again, after a long dry summer. And I just love this old fifties watering can that I inherited from a garden client!

Cinnamon bug. Last January I began a species list for every creature I could ID in the garden. This is number 273!

Little Joys: Cinnamon bug

Added a new trinket shelf to our entranceway. I’m going to love redecorating it each season!

This amazing little aragonite cluster! It’s made of calcium carbonate. Like eggshells and seashells and indigestion tablets. Crystals are strange.

Uncovered an ancient box of tapes. Flashback to 1993!

Walked through a cobweb.

Sunset drinks.

Topped off some house plants with quartz chips. Partly to keep the soil flies out, and partly for my own amusement.

Equinox sky.

Spice art. Making a rub for brisket.

Little Joys: Mixing spices for beef brisket

Wonderful (and ethical) pieces of meat like this make me give thanks. (Referral link)

Most excellent date-night dinner of beef brisket, sweet potato, black beans and garden kale.

Little Joys: brisket, sweet potato, and black beans with kale

This bright and beautiful fuchsia at the community garden.

Blue skies and rainbows.

Little Joys: colour and light

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