LITTLE JOYS: 16th January 2023

This ‘Blue Monday’ I’m wondering why society would choose to label a particular day as being a negative experience. Wouldn’t it be much better if we called it ‘Kindness Monday’ or ‘Gratitude Monday’ or ‘Making Plans Monday’? Always remember, you get to control how you experience life, and you can choose joy every day by

LITTLE JOYS: 16th January 2023 Read More »

LITTLE JOYS: 9th January 2023

Because it’s not the big goals and successes in life that bring true happiness, but the little joys that you choose to notice each day. Bought some gemstone beads and did some crafting! I wanted to recreate this worn-out bracelet (left) in nicer materials. I chose bronzite and silver hematite, and made some alternative versions

LITTLE JOYS: 9th January 2023 Read More »