LITTLE JOYS: 30th January 2023

Because it’s not the big goals and successes in life that bring true happiness, but the little joys that you choose to notice each day.

Started the week with a wintery walk on the common.

Little Joys: winter walk in nature

Frosty undergrowth.

Crystal magic!

Little Joys: beautiful ice crystals

Isn’t this the prettiest puddle?

Found this spider at home and have been trying to identify it. I think it’s a noble false widow, but the abdomen shape is unusual.

Little Joys: identifying nature at home - is this Steatoda nobilis?

Bought a big bunch of asparagus for my lunches.

Met a friendly cat on our walk.

And spotted perfect little female hazel flowers opening up behind the catkins.

Little Joys: winter nature, like these hazel flowers and catkins

Went charity-shopping and bought this unique tortoise bowl!

I had some ‘gold’ leaf in my craft box from an old project, so I spruced him up a bit. Now he looks after my bracelets. I am in love!

Crumpets for breakfast. I love crumpets!

Little Joys: perfect comfort food - crumpets and Marmite

Date night at a very nice wine bar – this was part of my Christmas present! There was a record player and we brought our own records!

The food was brilliant, especially the wagyu beef platter.

My potatoes are chitting… (That’s when you put them somewhere cool and bright to grow nice strong shoots ready to be planted.) So the gardening year has begun! Spring is on its way…

Little Joys: seed potatoes chitting for the garden

Tasty beef stew and mash.

I’ve been looking out for a beautiful ‘tree of life’ necklace like this for ages, and I finally found one.

Joined in the Big Garden Birdwatch, and recorded lots of birds, in ten species. These ring-necked parakeets are becoming a bit of a pest at our bird-feeders – often with several descending at once! – but they’re always a beautiful sight.

I loved looking at this horse chestnut tree bark.

And the lichen on it. I think it’s common green shield lichen.

Little Joys: nature in winter, such as this common green shield lichen


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