LITTLE JOYS: 7th November 2022

Because it’s not the big goals and successes in life that bring true happiness, but the little joys that you choose to notice each day.

What a magnificent earthworm!

Little Joys: magnificent earthworm!

Radiant rosebush.

Calendula, still flowering away. It’s a great plant for any garden – it attracts so many beneficial insects, and just keeps resowing itself and popping up with bright bursts of colour when you least expect it.

Little Joys: Calendula still flowering in the garden

Wow! Blue Virginia Creeper berries on scarlet stems. Sometimes gloomy days really bring colours out!

I’ve been noticing how much autumn is the season of bringing nature indoors. We harvest and store crops from the garden, we pick up pretty leaves and conkers, we bring tender plants indoors for winter, and we even start using spicy natural fragrances more.

Little Joys: bringing nature indoors

Amazing moss and fungus on this log, like a jungle in miniature.

Little Joys: moss and fungus on log

More spindle (euonymous) berries: one of my autumn faves.

Crabapples make me think of Christmas baubles.

Afternoon moon.

Little Joys: Low afternoon moon

Added this stunning slice of fluorite to my collection. It’s so fascinating to see its crystal shapes and layers.

Little Joys: fluorite crystals

Lining up my next few reads. I haven’t done very well with my reading goals this year, but I am so excited to get stuck into these!

Catkins! A slightly concerning sight actually, but still fun to see. I hope there will be more in spring when the bees need them.

Lazy Saturday morning.

Autumn really showed up this week, with blustery winds, gloom and more persistent rain. I got to wear my Welligogs waxed coat. It’s pretty much one of my favourite things ever.

Little Joys: my favourite Welligogs raincoat

There is so much power in this, and I need it a lot at the moment. I got it from James Altucher years ago. I don’t know if somebody else said it first.


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