LITTLE JOYS: 3rd April 2023

It’s a shame not all little joys can be photographed! This week I heard the year’s first chiffchaff and saw the first brimstone butterflies whizz by – both signs of spring that make my heart happy! I also realised there are red kites nesting in the trees opposite our house, and I’ve been watching them come and go with nesting materials – but the nest itself is just out of sight. Here are more little joys from this week!

That is one handsomely dressed stump.

Little Joys: pretty turkeytail fungi on a tree stump

Those gorgeous pink chionodoxa again.

Beers with buddies.

Little Joys: beers with friends

Rainbows over St Pancras! Despite the rain, everyone was looking up and taking pictures!

Morning coffee in my new mug.

This glass of wine was to celebrate finishing my novel! In the coming week I’ll be writing my synopsis and covering letter… Then I’ll do another editing pass to try to reduce the wordcount and check the character voices.

I thought it was about to rain on my lunch break. It didn’t!

Tulip time.

I potted up the first round of seedlings, and sowed tomatoes in the propagator.

Little Joys: growing healthy vegetable seedlings

Tomato seedlings!

Chinese takeaway leftovers for lunch.

Blossom on a grey day.

It’s a bad, low-light photo, but I loved this front garden filled with white flowers!

Wild garlic looking lush at the community garden.

Little Joys: foraging wild garlic

Sweet violets!

Slime mould on a dead tree – a false puffball I think. This week I learned that slime moulds are not fungi, but in a kingdom of their own!

Little Joys: false puffball slime mould on a tree stump

Daisies are popping up on all the verges.

Pretty moon.

These little species tulips in my front garden.

Met a pretty sawfly, Aglaostigma aucupariae. I’ve been using the Obsidentify app to identify new species lately and it seems really good! This is number 287 on my garden species list.

Little Joys: sawfly Aglaostigma aucupariae

Beautiful Thalia daffodils.

Little Joys: delicate white thalia daffodils


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